You can come around and visit the 60 establishments located in Barriada Divina Pastora, while you enjoy the perfect autumn day we are going to have next Saturday, because the weather will be really good in Marbella: It will be sunny and about 26˚C.
The III Divina Pastora Outdoors Market Day has different aims:
- Make people enjoy the local shops in a different shopping environment, which make us be closer to the traders in a natural way, while we are going for a walk in Parque Arroyo de la Represa
- Make the 60 establishments taking part in it live a new experience selling in a different way and make them have other possibilities of showing their products and services, in an open context of conversations with customers.
- Make a union feeling and atmosphere between shops and visitors.
- Make everything more pleasant, having more dynamism while shopping, with live music and dance from 5.30pm, thank to the next groups’ participation and performances:
- Academia de Baile de Maribel Urbano (dance academy)
- Grupo Tentaciones (live music)
- Children’s fashion catwalk fall/winter, by Caprichitos Mata
- Flamenco fashion show, by Flor Canela
- Headdresses fashion show by Rocío Salas
- Fashion show by Uniformes Luque
Organized by:
Asociación de Vecinos La Concha (neighbourhood association La Concha)
Área de Vía Pública, delegación de Comercio del Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Marbella (Public highway administration, delegation of commerce, Marbella city council)
El Candil, from Netcandil, hopes you all enjoy a good Saturday in Marbellagoing shopping and selling, watching all the performances and parades, in a good company and good atmosphere.
El Candil
658 962 270
Te queremos encandilar.